ERP Integration

Today, nearly every business taking ERP implementation under consideration will have systems already in place that could be changed with newer ERP modules currently under development.

For this reason, an essential aspect of ERP system adoption is determining which existing systems will be switched, which will have to be integrated, and which function optimally by themselves and kept as such.

Keep in mind, the more data integrated into the ERP, the greater the value of the investment, so it makes more sense to integrate all systems rather than leaving them out of the ERP.

Choosing to integrate current systems within your ERP frame and when to replace said systems with newer modules depends on three factors:

  • Does the system you already have in place perform to your expectations?
    If it doesn't, it's worth considering employing an ERP module that can get the job done.
  • If your current system is operating efficiently, what is the state of your connectors?
    Data migration is anything but simple. Connectors can perform decently in the integration of ERP systems from separate vendors – still, commitment to timely and quality updates can vary. It's crucial to keep in mind that any upgrades can break or disrupt connectors, potentially requiring rework or completely derailing upgrade plans.
  • If a connector is already in place, does it function in real-time, keeping all relevant data flowing optimally between systems?
    While some connectors function in real-time, other types synchronize systems periodically. Some exchange only a limited set of data between systems, while some work unidirectional. If you've employed extensive configuration customizations, certain data types might not be recognized by the connector. 

These potential issues highlight the benefits of employing integrated ERP modules to manage disparate business functions better and perform timely optimizations. Opting to use a single vendor to address these needs helps avoid common integration deficiencies, as providers design modules to work together smoothly.

Quantum ERP Solutions provides full business system integration through Epicor ERP, and Oracle NetSuite, performing required customizations and helping our clients through every upgrade cycle to ensure optimal data flow. Contact us today and let us know how we can help you improve your operational performance.